I took a really long time to actually get around to playing The Last of Us 2 because of all of the negative press around the game from the gaming community at large. Many were extremely disappointed about the story, however I disagree. I think the story is very good, at least for the first three quarters of the game. The first three quarters are really good. Game-play, atmosphere, story, etc. I think are really amazing. Once you start playing as Abby in the last quarter, the game more or less lost me. I really didn't end up developing compassion or sympathy for her over the course of my time with her and I found her arch being more filler than anything else. I really didn't enjoy having to battle it out with Ellie either. The ending of the game was really thought provoking to me. Really got me thinking about the nature of trauma and loss and what that causes people to do to one another. On one hand, I just want Ellie to be happy with Dina and JJ living in their farm house, but on the other hand something seems off since Abby is still running around. It is not until you have Abby submerged underwater, strangling her, that you really feel the weight of how ridiculous this whole revenge quest was. Ellie should have listened and just left Abby alone. But on the other hand, without Ellie, Abby and Lev would have died. The end of the game is depressing as hell and it left me feeling very empty inside. Can't really decide if I liked it or not. For now I'm going to say it was well done, if not just extremely bittersweet. I'll give the first three quarters of this game a 8-9 out of 10 and the last quarter a 5 out of 10. I'll round the whole thing to about a 7 out of 10. Play it for sure. It's very cool and fun, but it has its imperfections.