I am so confused by all the reviews where people are shocked by "ThE MAiN ChARAcTERs ArE CriMiNaLs" -- babes, did you read or watch the original? Robin Hood (the nice palatable British white one) was a criminal who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. He lived in the woods fleeing the law...as a criminal...what's not clicking? If you were uncomfortable by the Black people fighting (and winning) against the white villain, maybe you need to do a little self-reflection.
Yes, there were some weaknesses in the writing and some blank spots in the plot, but to discount the entire show and the hard work of a lot of Canadian talents because you don't like seeing Black people or hearing rap and hip-hop is crazy. You can also just not watch and let the people who enjoy the show keep at it without going off on a 500-word racist rant on Google lol