this is an absolute waste of time. literally hours of this mini series are devoted to showing the commentary of sick, sad people on social media who think that they have ownership and special insight into a sad tragedy about a tumblr obsessed girl with a mental illness that her family didn't properly support. if anything, this series is a commentary on a) the ignorance, self-centeredness, and ghoulishness of people on social media who get off on spinning up conspiracy theories about tragedies; and b) a family who did not properly support and prioritize the mental health of a girl who sorely needed it. also the Cecil hotel is obviously criminally negligent. this should absolutely not have been more than an hour long. Web Sleuths are very sad people who operate without any facts and are willing to destroy the lives of others because they get off on convincing themselves that they are part of these tragedies. please don't waste your time on this. if anything, just listen to the hour-long episode of the podcast, Thinking Sideways, from a few years back which will provide you with more information about the case than this series does. if you have a brain this show will just piss you off