I loved the film. The casting was brilliant. Chadwik Boseman was a blast. Was also happy to see Dan Akroyd after a long time.
I must confess that i had not been a 'soul searcher' during my initial years of music listening in the 80s, here in India. Listened more of C&W, and Pop groups of the time. That was also the time of a whole lot of new rock-groups. I was aware of Aretha Franklin and James Brown but did not collect any of their music. I was ( and still am) a great fan of Tom Jones and perhaps his singing style had the elements and energy of soul wrapped in the pop style of the times.
But after seeing this movie i was blown away by the kind of conviction that JB had about his passion. I can imagine the rage he must have been amongst his fans at that time.
Thanks to YouTube, i am catching up with the genre and i can very easily realise, why the genre has been so named.
Passion is something deeply buried in every human and is not something that can be acquired with training. However, the *beautiful ecosystem of the music industry of that time* allowed the discovery and nourishment of such geniuses as JB.
The soul of American music is to me beyond doubt Black Music. It takes the white man's language and embellishes it in a way that no white man ever can.
I love biopics and this movie intensifies this love.