I'm almost done watching this show. 8 episodes, 50 minutes each of HARSE JUDGMENTAL HATRED. Some are blaming race based and sex based accusations of why people dont like the show. No. People hate it because everyone who was behind the show has never played a single resident evil game, has never seen any resident evil movie / show. It's the worst towards any accuracy. (Spoiler alert) AND EPISODE SIX WAS SO HARD. I wasn't aware blade runner was in resident evil. I also wasnt aware the Umbrella used Russian masks? Because every resident evil has used a BRITISH S10 OR BRITISH FM12 (large debate on which.). And if anyone from Netflix reads this, please do everyone the favor and take this show off your digital libraries, burn whatever files you have on it, and act like this show was just some god awful fever dream, okay thanks! P.S. the acting sucks, like really bad. I've seen some flies put on better acting.