This is my honest review. Let's start off with the director. I see that he has tried some GVM style stuff, but at some points the narrating was unnecessary and cringey. After a point in the movie, I was simply fast forwarding it, so it could've been a little more engaging. Also I'm really not sure why they named the movie Enna Solla Pogirai. It just didn't make sense to me. Let's get to Teju. Her acting was okay, but after a point it started looking like she was acting. Her character was okay, but then it needed more depth. Avantika, was actually nice to see on screen, but the way her character was built made no sense. Then again they could've added more depth to her. At the end of the movie all I knew about her was that "she loved love even though she never loved anyone". I couldn't really connect in any sort of way to either of these characters. Pugazh wasn't utilized in the script properly. The movie would've been almost the same without pugazh in it. Ashwin's acting was okay but it started feeling weird for some reason. I don't know maybe this role may have not been suitable for Ashwin. The basic storyline was nice, but they could've done more to enhance it. The message they were trying send wasn't clearly sent. I feel that the message was lost in the middle of the story somewhere and it did not reach the audience properly
.Ps. This is only my point of view and I know I'm not an expert in movies, but this is my honest opinion. I respect and appreciate all the people who have worked on this movie. And kudos for all the hard work that went into the movie to make it happen. It has come out well and all I say is that it needed a teeny tiny bit more of magic.♥️