Me personally, I quite enjoyed the 1981 OG Evil Dead more than the 2013 remake, since unlike the Alvarez film of that year, Raimi's original still has somewhat of a campy, comedic balance.Talk about a good (and maybe even a questionable) first impression as a director for Sam Raimi! This man knew exactly what he was doing when making this film. It's quite violent and the effects are very well-executed for having only been shot on a medium-low six-figure budget.
The film is a toss-up of fun, scares, a number of solid laughs, and even a few winces. The film is devilishly creative in its ways and there are scenes which have both held up, and admittdly now scenes of questionable integrity (like the tree segment; come on, Sam. I'm a survivor of similar instances, that's just insulting to have included). If I'd seen this back in its release days I'd have been deadset against this film's very existence, but now that time progressed, I'm alright with it.
7/10, good flick.