This film has the dark british humour reminiscent of Hot Fuzz, paired with a Somerset accent and West Country backdrop. Don’t go into this expecting fast paced action. This isn’t that. This is a slow, unravelling story that shows itself a little bit more layer by layer just like psychological abuse. It’s intentional.
James McAvoy’s character is the most manipulative and convincing seen on screen for a while. The other characters are honestly not likeable…but that’s part of it.
You have to give this chance and appreciate it for what it is, but you also have to clock onto a few things to realise how deep the production goes. For example, there’s a joke about a danish couple in the first few scenes, then they joke about danish people, and you realise it’s tongue in cheek because it’s a remake of a classic, danish film.
Even if you disagree with the horror element, it’s a refreshing unique experience with a bold, confident soundtrack that will make you laugh, think ‘wtf’ and then feel out of breath at the end.