The movie is okay, I wouldn't say it's anything above a 5/10. Idris Alba of course is a fantastic actor, but he should've gotten a role better than just a doctor from the US. The role was plain and boring for an actor such as him in the adventurous world of Africa. The other downside is it's too predictable. Also not a fan of the daughters, it's realistic that kids don't always listen to their parents which I understand but it gets to a point when it makes sense they should in life-or-death situations. So many times they make decisions that make it too obvious it's forced to make things interesting in the movie, but it just gets worse. For the majority of the movie they're stuck in different landmarks out in the wild, but everything happens so fast those landmarks aren't memorable. You may skip for spoilers ahead:
The landmark that stood out the most in my opinion was the house they first arrived in at the beginning of the movie. They had a connection to it since it's where they used to live years ago before the daughters were even born. It has pictures and memories of their mother who passed away. The second landmark is the huge rock where the lion pride rests. That landmark has a connection to a good friend of the Idris character, who's white South African man the daughters call uncle, he raised a couple of male lions when they were cubs. The third was the village of natives. They arrived at the village which had been attacked by a single lion that had killed everyone. That village means a lot.
All those landmarks would have made a perfect location to have the storyline majority of the time, they mean a lot to the characters and would've been great locations to protect them. But those locations appeared probably 10 mins each throughout the movie and then the movie was shot in the bushes not making anything exciting. I hope Idris Alba sees to an more exciting role and storyline next time. Would I ever watch or recommend this movie to others? No I wouldn't.