Listening to Judy Mikoviits and Kent Heckenlively on the George Norris radio show tonight has really given my entire being a jolt. I pray our great President Donald Trump gets this important data behind our virus takes another life. As he said "I am not a doctor" and looked for the best in this viral pandemic field not just in our country but throughout the world. When Judy Mikovitis said that the cure is easy there must be many other in the field of science that also know what she discovered. Thank you to Kent Heckenlivey for working with her to write and get the book out ASAP. I am so dismayed that the devil who stands at the podium most days next to President Trump has some reason that he will be there much longer for President Trump has put his heart and soul into the love of our country first and trust in those who do background tests in areas he is unfamiliar with and of course admits it. If you HATE him you have much to learn and discover plus live a life devoted to each and everyone of us while in office. In a few hours I pray our President will be speaking to all of us while taking the devil (who must be colder than any corpse) but still alive taking credit for not telling the truth to the world. God Bless our President for he was only doing his job with his choices. The women on "The "View" have blown their ignorant cover! We should all be praying to save those that are near death.