My favorite scene is when Morbius (portrayed by Jim Carrey) says, "GRAAAAH I"M VAMPIRE" and aggressively makes out with a group of men. Most people would think that this is "homosexual" and "gay" but this is integral to the plot of this underrated masterpiece. I can understand not liking how half the movie is in brail, but I think letting deaf people watch this movie is important because it is actually able to cure their blindness. Mobious is the Black Panther of bat people and white people alike. Now if you haven't seen this movie yet, STOP READING I am about to get into spoilers. When Spider-man shows up and stops Russia from invading Ukraine I cried, almost as hard as when the film ended. Every second of this movie changed my life forever and I can't wait for Morbious 2: Lost in New York.