Congratulations! Movie producers have finally topped the awfulness that was Jurassic Park III.
Not only do the main characters from the original trilogy show up for a blatant cash grab cameo and add nothing to the depth of the movie, but the empty action sequences made the movie simply unbearable. (Spoiler alert) The writers literally couldn't put their brains together to come up with anything useable concerning dinosaurs living amoungst humans to where they had to BS the substance of their plot by having an evil corporation manufacture giant locadases to basically control what crops are grown (which by the way makes 0 sense if they can manufacture giant pests than why not make a profit producing giant crops OR eat the darn dinasour meat provided). It's not like giant corporations being evil hasn't been done in literally 4 other Jurassic movies, right? It is disappointing how far this franchise has fallen from grace, and aside from the bad writing, Spielberg would be rolling over in his grave seeing how his work has been manipulated to make a profit by generalizing it to a broad audience so parents can show their children. GIVE ME A BREAK. Not only does this ironically conflict with message that greed corrupts people, but it goes against everything that directors of his time stood for. Why parents of this generation want to shield their children from the darkness and gore of the world art yet let them watch sexualized music videos on a regular basis is beyond me. If you don't understand what I'm referring to in past media just watch poltergeist for God's sake. It literally has someone's face practically peal off and the movie was rated PG! Hopefully our generation of artists can start to bring up original subject material so Hollywood can stop with these terrible reboots that undermined the original work that went into creating new ideas.
By the way (no offense to the actor personally because everyone does their job mainly for money), but I hate the fact that whenever we, as an audience, are presented with a certain male figure that shall remain nameless we're constantly reminded why his character is amazing and cool during the entire freaking movie he's in! We get it! He's the relatable protagonist we should support, now can we move on with the actual plot?!
The saddest part (besides me spending actual money to see this) is that the arcalogist couple didn't marry each other. This is honestly the main reason I wanted to see this because in Jurassic Park III, Ellie had to have been married to someone else so Alan had someone to call for help when he was on the island. It was very dissatisfying for my younger self and a large part mewanted this desperately to be resolved with good writing, but I should've known that this shameless cash grab of a sequel long after the peak of it's franchise would never deliver such a basic pleasure.
I'm not even going to mention the moody clone plot that reduced to a whiny teenage girl, the sudden black market development that made absolutely no sense, or the fact that they had ridiculous Lazer guided dinasours. Just don't waste your time with this.