Really curious as to how they thought using a politically charged term would be good for the show when the show shouldn't be based on things of that nature. Yeah the adults are entitled and spoiled and lack critical thinking skills but how is sticking them in the woods and yelling at them supposed to help (and what does it have to do with their emotional sensitivity)? What they should have done is put them all in an actual real life situation and put them all in a house to teach them the things they need to do as a functioning adult. Give a budget that has to be managed, give responsibilities to different housemates, things of that nature. Of course, that's if they actually did care about these adults (stop referring to them as kids). Plus, let's be honest with ourselves, none of these young adults are going to go out and be productive, contributing members of society in the "traditional" sense. It's all about clout and they're going to be making bank as influencers to the point where, if they truly learned anything from this show, won't apply (honestly, get that coin. I wish I could!). Also Matt and Joel need to step off their high horse. I like to think I'm doing just fine in life for someone nearing 30, but if you just destroyed my personal property, yelled at me, and then expected me to poop in a bucket in the woods, I'd probably want to go home too. Their attitudes are just as terrible as the contestants.