A brilliant and fun dark comedy. The serial killer character, Matt Pierce played by Tom Bateman (no relation to Jason Bateman who is one of the Executive Producers along with Craig Rosenberg and others who created something marvelous) reminds me of a mix of some of my favorite serial killer characters like Joe Goldberg from You and Paul Spector from the Fall. He exudes the sinister intensity while mesmerizing people with good looks and charm (but sometimes he's almost too hot that you forget he's bad, for that I wish they would give him more of an edge to create more suspense). And the main characters Ava Bartlett played by Kaley Cuoco (whom I never fully appreciated in Big Bang Theory but is superb in True Story and is also one of the Exec Producers) and Nathan Bartlett played by Chris Messina do a great job of playing that 'normal' couple in LA surrounded by the craziness of LA while trying to keep up and fit in. The season ended without a resolution or a major stopping point. Maybe they had to cut the season short? But the show is excellent! Highly recommend!