No Spoilers
I really, really wanted to like this movie. I’m a huge fan of historical dramas like this but there were a few things that were so distracting that I couldn’t sit back and actually enjoy the film.
First, trying to tell too many stories in a single film. The different areas they try to address could have been their own movies. As a result, hopping around in time felt frenetic and disorganized to the point where I didn’t know what was happening at what time.
Second, the sound mixing (at least how it presents in a movie theatre) was very poor. There were times you couldn’t understand what people are saying because of the often unnecessary booming music or sound effects.
Finally, I thought the cast of characters was too large. Other than the main character, you don’t really have time to understand or experience any of the other people in the movie. I get that the project involved a ton of people, but for the sake of the audience…maybe compress it down a bit.
I still think it is worth seeing and it was a good attempt, but I wouldn’t watch it again.