Spider-Man The Animated Series is the Best Spider-Man cartoon ever made. I remember watching this show Pre Disney XD known as Jetix when Marvel shows like Spider-Man The Animated Series, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends with Iceman and FireStar which is also fun to watch, Spider-Man Unlimited which is underrated and did something new but also fun to watch, Iron man, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Avengers United They Stand, X-Men and The Fantastic Four. All shows are Great Marvel shows and deserve a Region 1 complete box set for fans to purchase and watch when they want. It is criminal That the Three Spider-Man shows I mentioned don't have a complete box set like with Region 2 in which they get all the Marvel shows. Fans of Great Marvel Shows must band together and tell Disney/Marvel that we want all these great shows to be on DVD for Region 1. We must keep these cartoons in our hearts and have them physically sold on DVD for fans to cherish.