For over 15 years, I've grown up with the manga and anime written by the master story teller Eiichiro Oda. The corniness, colorful world-building and heart was what One Piece was all about and the Netflix series adaptation captures that in spades.
I love seeing the story take a creative spin in the live action adaptation in order to fix potential pacing issues that an over 1000 episode anime could have problems translating.
The dynamic of the straw hats feels very genuine and there were moments that garnered realistic and very natural bonding - it really felt like they were a group of friends with real motives and real dreams coming together (for an anime that is xD).
Great sets, over-the-top fight scenes, awesome cast and solid dialogue. A series full of charm and heart and being action-packed and witty to boot!
Thank you to the showrunners and to Eiichiro Oda! I can finally get some of my reluctant friends and normies into picking up the series and looking forward to season 2!
-Josh C