We have a great opportunity this year to celebrate Easter (and the return to a movie theaters) in a special way. The Jesus Way!!! Right now, you can go see “Lamb of God” in local theaters. This production puts some of Christ's ministry, and the final week of His life, to music. There were numerous moments of beautiful testimony witnessed to me by the beautiful melodies, harmonies, lyrics and instruments. Music speaks to my spirit in so many layers. After seeing it I have a renewed love for Jesus Christ! I urge everyone to see it. So many words touched me, but continuing from the Christmas season and my “thrill of hope” mantra, this lyric from Mary, the Mother of Jesus, rang out to my soul after Christ’s death:
Hope did not die here,
But here was given.
And ours is the vict'ry
Here is Hope.
Here is Hope
Hope with a capital H because He is Hope! Jesus is The Way, The Light, and the Hope for our lives and world today! Can’t wait for us all to celebrate Him again this Easter season!