"Life Is Abracadabra" by Baisakhi Saha is a comprehensive and enchanting exploration of the extraordinary in our daily lives. This seamlessl blend of memoir and travelogue delves into 21 captivating stories, chronicling the author's courageous journey from a conservative Indian home to diverse corners of the world, spanning Singapore, Nigeria, Germany, Costa Rica, and New York, touching upon different cultures and lives. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of Saha's personal struggles, including a diagnosis of prolapsed inter-vertebral discs that initially pushes her to the brink of despair. The book is more than a travelogue; it is the author's quest to discover her true self amidst diverse cultures and challenging circumstances. The writing transcends the traditional travel narrative, seamlessly blending motivational insights with personal experiences. Saha encourages readers to reconnect with their passions and intuition, subtly revealing the spiritual undercurrents in her journey without being overtly preachy.