This show is everything that is wrong with America. The show tries to glorify Anna by calling her a modern-day Robinhood and making it seem as if she's incredibly intelligent for deceiving all these people.
However, after doing further research (outside of the show), articles claim that she stole money to buy expensive clothes and living a lifestyle that lead her to being apparently homeless. If she was as smart as the show makes her out to be, she would have used the money to grow her wealth instead of blowing it all to try to appear wealthy. Furthermore, she wouldn't have gotten caught.
Overall, took a basic girl and made her seem as if she was more than what she was. The show is disappointing and would have been way cooler if they actually portrayed what it took for her to live a life as a con artist while having opinions of phycologist and actual interviews with victims, but maybe they thought that would lead to less viewership.