Movie is an attempt to show the directors illconcieved, and convoluted thoughts/ideas about parenting through grand parents...
Conflicts and differences of opinions are common in families about parenting but taking it to the level of snatching parental rights and taking own children to court is ridiculously silly. Of all the countries, courts in our country would never even entertain something like this.
(Remember, on the contrary, we all celebrated watching the Movie Mukherjee vs Norway showing the grit of mother saving her son)
Just the presumption that somehow what ever the current generation is doing or does is abnormal and the senior generation did or does is always foolproof and optimal shows actually some of our societal fallacies and lack of objectivity. The same grandparents were responsible for the upbringing of thier son, about whom they have complaints on.
Acting is the only optimal and measured aspect here!!