Not the epic experience I was hoping for. Costner has hit a the trifecta of meandering and overblown cinematic presentations! Now long live Dances with Wolves, there was that part of me that wanted Horizon to be more like that experience. Everyone loves an opportunity to be swept up in a good movie. But to be blunt Horizon was about the worst and most senile movie I’ve ever experienced. I swear all the good parts have to be trapped in Costner’s head. Nameless characters, disjointed non developed story lines that flopped around on screen like a fish begging to be bopped in the head and put out of its misery… maybe that was me…I do not know how those pioneer families survived so damn much piano music either. The basics of writing and developing the storyline went out the hill and someone just shoved some film clips together and expected it to be a movie. I could go on but I’d say what everyone else has. The montage ending was a horror in film maming (typo). Kevin I want my money back, I want my three hours back, and a small piece of advice…maybe it’s time for another golf themed movie. For those thinking of watching, may I suggest a hard pass, and if you do, download a good game on your phone, you’re going to need it!