A few years back I was called to privately audition for this movie. I was eighteen at the time and was unaware of how heavily biased this movie was going to be. Unplanned was a sad, unrealistic movie that focused more on pushing an agenda then actually having an effective approach on representing conservatives beliefs. The whole movie is very black and white and fails to show any sense of an artistic approach or realism in the plot or script. The acting was not the best and the movie showed very little diversity. They demonized the doctors in this film and represented the people as heartless individuals. In this film they also over dramatized the procedures and the overall environment of Planned Parenthood.
No matter what your beliefs are, Planned Parenthood is known for way more than just abortions. PP provides things like: emergency contraception; clinical breast examinations; cervical cancer screening; prenatal care; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections; sex education and so much more. Painting this helpful facility as a villainous baby-killing corporation is not only wrong but it's also extremely harmful. Yes, abortion is sad and I don't think any woman can make that decision easily but, life is not black and white, It's complicated and people's reasoning for their decision to have an abortion varies and I support woman who have had/are going to make that difficult decision.
On another note, I would love to see a movie that focuses on adoption and the more than 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S today. Pro-lifers love to shame people for having an abortion but ignore the hundreds of thousands of children who are waiting to have a home and be loved by someone. Let's focus on the bigger picture and take off the rose colored glasses.