You need to throw on a pair of ignorance free glasses for the viewing of this film, however if you succeeded in doing so I believe you’ll find this movie is definitely worth a better look and definitely worth better comprehending. That is if you, like myself enjoy looking to movies to find a sense of comfort as well as maybe a deeper glance into one’s own perspectives of life and the moral, ethical and philosophical taboos which are so often accompanying yet overlooked nonetheless in todays Society particularly; such as mental illness. This film is one to thoroughly break down without being too hasty about judging any one-side of the the picket fence (if you want the full experience in my opinion). In other words you got to consider and keep various points of view as your own at all times throughout the viewing, whether it be that of an opportunist’s or genuine people trying to find their way and figure things out alongside everyone else. Either way really well-made movie (despite borderline tediousness.) The ambiguous ending did however leave me feeling a bit uneasy and heavy hearted as to what it may have hinted about the unknowability or perhaps uncertainty of weather one should *Undoubtedly default to medication upon diagnosis of a mental illness in the hopes of becoming “functional” and “just like everyone else” no matter how hard that may be to come to terms with; or fight tooth and nail for their mental health in any and every way they feel won’t lead them down this path of existential numbness and or pointlessness which is again “unavoidably becoming like everyone else”; however misguided or Ill advised these points of view may appear to be.