This book by Peter Fitzsimons is a real "Eye Opener" It describes a conflict fought principally by a Militia army. Basically misunderstood and poorly led (Did I mean Ignored) by the incompetent Australian General "Don't Blame Me" and "Dugout Dug MacArthur", who Roosevelt wanted to replace, but was hampered by MacArthur's popularity with the American people based on Show Bizz publicity that MacArthur carefully orchestrated. We celebrate Gallipoli from a traditional approach to our fist contribution to war as Australians and New Zealand armed force, but that was Greece, Kokoda was Australia. OK let's not degrade that conflict, but what about the battle that kept the Japenese out of Moresby where attack aircraft of all forms could be unleashed on Australia. This book gives so much that it should be part of all school curriculums.o