Raised by Wolves is a dystopian sci-fi tale. After a nuclear fallout due to a religious conflict, earth is uninhabitable and its survivors journey across the cosmos to begin a new civilization. The protagonists are two androids, tasked with raising human children on a desolate planet. Although it is the quintessential Pioneer/sci –fi plot, the writer’s pursuit to answer deeper philosophical questions makes it an interesting watch.
Amanda Collin and Abubakar Salim have aced the mechanical, yet demanding roles of ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’, the two androids.
The pilot episode cuts right to the chase and sets up the plot and characters for development. The show has an excellent production and jaw dropping visuals. The costumes and settings are elegant yet modern which mirrors the tone of the show- scientifically advanced, yet theocratic.The background music gets the job done but is not catchy or powerful enough to make a lasting impression.
On one hand, Raised by Wolves tackles ideas like religion and society, whereas on the other it touches upon starkly contrasting aspects like space travel and robot sentience. It would be interesting to see the story unfold as it answers baffling philosophical questions of faith and civilization along the way.
Judging by the three episodes, Raised by Wolves is off to a great start. An engaging narrative, strong characters, crisp writing and a beautiful setting all contribute to make this a success.
Verdict: If you love Sci-fi and want to see something fresh, do watch Raised by Wolves!