I agree with what has been said by the others. There is something wrong when Bobby and Joe are even in the semi-finals. They CANNOT dance and have had the lowest scores week after week. While a following can be helpful this is still a dance competition not a popularity contest. There needs to be some kind of new structure put into place to prevent this from happening. Otherwise the audience who is in it for the right reasons are going to leave. This show has done so much to make ballroom "cool" and "popular" it would be a shame to see it written off as a big joke. And, in response to the ONE person who is happy with the outcome and accused everyone of being haters of a hick - get a reality check please!!!!! The man absolutely cannot dance and has even shown total disrespect to the art (remember the week that even he said Sharna was so mad at him she wouldn't speak to him because he thought his smooth dance was a "boring" way to end the show and he threw in his own ending?). The outrage is from people who truly appreciate dance and talent not some hatred of Arkansas.