I have played and beaten, every single assassin‘s creed game, and the reason I say, this is because I am a huge fan of the AC franchise. But unfortunately, the franchise/games begins to take a down world spiral with the release of Ragnarok, and the cherry on top of disappointment is, the AC Mirage. Anyone who has played these games long enough can tell that AC Mirage was nothing more than what appeared to me a very low end cross between Ragnarok, and origins. The two best games in my opinion, that where ever released were black flag, and Odyssey. True open world games. And with the ability to not only upgrade your weapons, but to continuously get different weapons. I don’t know what Ubisoft decided to start producing lackluster games., But it truly is sad to see these games that they are releasing when you look back at the games that they have released. I love the assassin’s Creed franchise and still play assassin‘s Creed odyssey to this day. But what is the deal with releasing these fly-by-night AC games that are nothing more than a mimic of previous mush together with nothing new? If you have not purchased this game, read this review and save your money. I firmly believe that Ubisoft/assassins, Creed should offer a full refund, or the very least a credit for this unfortunate disaster.