It's past time for old Judy girl to hang up her robe and her arrogant she coming down with dementia?or just plain getting senile and losing her mind. She thinks she's gangster, ( she better be glad that she's a judge) she's super rude, doesn't give people a chance to explain their cases thoroughly then she'll ask you a question and when your in the process of answering SHE'LL SHHHHHH YOU! she must be a real charmer with her family. She's very sarcastic and it seems that she has A BIG PROBLEM with COUPLES that are UNMARRIED a nd choose to just live together.She calls people stupid even insults some people parents. I love it when she gets a litigant that she can't intimidate and won't back down to her and gives her a run for her money, she can't take that and swears she's Houdini or a fortune reader that can read minds