I’ve never written a movie review in my life…that’s how horrible this movie is. First of all, the plot was meh. The pacing was so bad. They added in scenes that had 0 correlation to the plot. A lot of it made no sense and was just unnecessary. My biggest problem with this movie was the sexualization of the children though. Like seriously…what was the point of making the kids have sex? That was so unnecessary as again, it had no correlation to the plot. The kids still thought like children but for the sake of that scene they started to think more “mature” and right after that scene was over they suddenly began to think like kids again…like how does that make any sense?? Then the girl got pregnant for NO reason since the baby ended up dying anyway and it did nothing for the plot. Overall, this movie is a big waste of time. Not sure how or why they decided to air this movie lmfao. If you’re having trouble sleeping just put this movie on, it’s so boring it’ll probably get you sleeping the first 10 minutes in. It should be categorized as a comedy bc it’s funny to see how progressively horrible it gets.