The “minions” are God like being of a higher power we simply don’t understand. Sub-par humans will simply dismiss it as a “kids movie” and “stupid yellow pills”. These “people” are not at a high enough level of understanding the true message of minions. Hopefully on the years to come we will continue to analyze the message that this movie has gifted us. I truly admire the person who created this movie with such a deep message that only a higher level of thinking can comprehend. As I entered the theaters I knew what was in store, I accepted I may not be able to understand the message in the film that requires a higher order of thinking to understand. As I watched the movie I was enlightened, I learned what was truly important in this world. We live in an illusion, money, power, status, fame, law, and order are all illusions created to trap us and control us. Minions the rise of Gru helps us break free from these mental constraints and provides humanity with salvation. I learned years worth of wisdom, from the almighty "Kevin", who is one of the higher beings in this movie that we call "minions". His quote was simple, yet had the meaning of a thousand words, "banana", such a simple yet powerful phrase with a deeper meaning beyond our comprehension. I felt Kevin reaching out for me, through the cinema screen, as he held out his hand, to free me from my constraints. We may be different in many ways, but "banana" unites us all and makes us more powerful than we could ever imagine. I may be a weak minded fool, but Kevin has enlightened me to think beyond my carbon vessel and become one with the "minions". I encourage all to go see this film in your local cinema, and join me as I follow the "minions" to their path of higher living.