Mr. Sharpton after seeing and hearing the news of the murder of Mr. Floyd,I believe that that police officer murdered(exacuted) him over something that happened or was going on at that nightclub both of them worked at. What is the odds of the very same police officer at ends up arresting Mr. Floyd and kneel on his neck for 9 minutes till he KNEW Floyd was dead with the help of 3 other police. Think about it. Those kind of nightclubs are all over the U.S. and they have off duty police working as security with prosatution,ileagal drugs being sold and gambling, but the police officers don't know what is going on in the very business they are working in. If a person believes that then I have some swamp land to sell them to. Something was going on between them. I bet you sire. That was a premeditated murder. Hope you or someone look into that angle. I wonder if anyone knows if any of the other police officers involved with his murder also worked as bouncer in that club or another club in MN.?