This game was a waste of time and resources. Exploration was rewarding at first, but after a while pressing the button to pick up objects didn't feel satisfying anymore. Almost all cutscenes had unsynced lip movements, and no narrative value. The entire story was ridiculous and easy to predict. You enter combat 10 times, so investing any time into weapons is pointless. Remember how Roth died for you in the first game, how Lara had to cauterize her wound with a hot arrowhead, the general insanity of Mathias? these are creative concepts, and the developers just couldn't handle that. This is a game where you walk around an pick up items, and listen to Lara monologue. There is no emotion, no care, no love, and no fun. I was rooting for the enemy most of the game. Never have I played such a disgrace for a game that had such a heartfelt and passionate first game. Sure: rise of the tomb raider was a little watered down, but this game is a dumpster fire. I have played it from start to finish to give it every opportunity to redeem itself, and not a single redeeming quality came. This gets one star for having some cool climbing mechanics, which the uncharted series already had 13 years ago in their first game. I cannot stress enough how pointless this game is