My husband and I hated the ending so much that we yelled at the TV.
I thought that at least it could end well - but, no, why make viewers enjoy themselves? Right?
To recap, this is a story about two really personality-less, self-obsessed people who end up having lots of sex because they have bored the living daylights out of everyone else in their lives. Because it is an extra-marital affair, people get hurt and at some point, they realize that they don't have a viable relationship so they break up. But they are both so self-absorbed that when they accidentally run into each other, they're like - "hey let's hurt everyone again." The end. I didn't read the book but I can't imagine how you could get a whole novel out of that.
Honestly, I know that boring people have lives and even manage to find people to have sex with but it isn't something that any of us want to watch on TV.