Season 1 Episode 4 spoilers...
Obi Wan is one of my all time favorites, so I have been eagerly watching in anticipation of learning about his journey.
Instead of being satisfied and looking forward to each new episode, I am being forced to watch the Reva show.
If I wanted to watch a HATE filled person with a murderous agenda who has no humanitarian boundaries, there are plenty of other networks I can watch. And her agenda not only involves torturing a child because she's not getting her way, but for the first time ever Vader is accepting excuses with her. This is confusing and contrary to his character. Where all others who have ever irritated or failed him have met with instant death, he accepts her lame excuses and even Praises her....
So I am left wondering what are they trying to communicate? What is this show's hidden agenda? (And I am tired of Disney always having one now!)
I waited for this? To watch another ticked off person wreaking havoc without consequence? Instead of rising above it, like the human spirit is designed to do, we're just supposed to watch her getting away with being dark and evil.
Didn't everyone get enough of that stupidity the last 2 years?!!
How about trying something new.??
Disney has an obligation to reinforce the GOOD and remind us to be the best within ourselves, especially,
when so many have forgotten that's our actual purpose. **Overcome adversity being better than you started out.**
Obi Wan's sacrifice and humble service should be the forefront to inspire the current social climate, not a secondary story to another self serving, hate filled character, who is blaming everyone else for her choices. This week's show proves it, as she prepares to torture Leia and
tells the innocent little girl that it's her fault that Reeva is torturing her. *****
Newsflash: That's what every Abuser ever arrested, tells his/her victims.
"Great blame shifting tactic to make acceptable to the already broken public, Disney!"
How about Reeva getting real consequences for her choices...
Now, that would be worth watching and restore my faith in Disney's direction.
Disney used to be the place you felt safe exposing your children to. It used to be the place you could count on for demonstrations of good values, moral lessons and strong family/friend concepts.
It's current agendized, preachy movies/shows, with in-your-face glorification of hostilty as excused behavior, is unacceptable!
Poor Walt would turn over in his grave. 😥
I want Obi Wan, and QuiGon and everything that answers all my fan questions, in this show...
Too bad Favreau and Filoni aren't writing this one. Their stuff has the original Disney values and the essence of true Star Wars. They never disappoint!!
Really hope ObiWan gets more screentime in the remainder of HIS series and I sure do hope to learn something new about him that fills in the gaps between movies. But if this continues then I may just be dreaming.
Restore my faith, Disney...