*SPOILERS* The plot is very unique! The creators make you think it's a classic horror film from the crazy guy at the beginning and then there are alien abductions. The movie ends with super-evolved humans. If nothing else this scifi thriller will keep you on your toes! However, the very thing that makes it unique also became its downfall. I thought the character development was near excellent, but the story was all over the place. I wouldve loved if they followed through on the "crazy guy wants to kill us" plot. I wouldve loved to see aliens coming down and abducting people as a mock natural selection. I wouldve loved a dystopian thriller about extra-evolved people that become a "higher race", so to speak, and the struggles that non-evolved humans face in this new world. What I did NOT love, was all three mashed together. The result was sloppy and poorly made. If your stuck inside from a storm and have nothing better to do, watch this movie; if not, dont waste your time.