Frankly, I don't care too much about the Star Wars movies. They were never great in my opinion, and to me, the prequels were more fun then the originals. The third, in my opinion, was the best of the series. The Knights of The Old Republic games (1 and 2), for me, had the best story and are the best Star Wars.
First, I will touch some good points. The effects where amazing and the shots where beautiful. Everything felt real, the scenes where mesmerizing. The creatures and the robots felt like real characters. The team that made the practical and graphic effects are true professionals and they deserve all the praise.
What felt unbearable to watch for me is the pacing. It felt as if I am watching a gameplay only through cutscenes. Every scene was so abrupt it felt jarring. The story, was so bad and full of plot holes it was painful to watch. The fights, what is supposed to be one of the highlights of a Star Wars film, where boring. There were no stakes, the characters were overpowered, the final fight was unbearably dull. And the climax, it felt so stupid. Me, and half of the theater, laughed at the abrupt "death" at the end, it was so painfully retarded. And the characters, oh the characters. So forgettable, so bland and cartoonish. Even the new bad guy who was great in comparison to the alternative, was just a caricature, with no real arc, motivation or substance.
To me this film was unbearable to watch. Not as a Star Wars fan, because I'm not, but as a moviegoer.