I waa intrigued by the adverts for the show, that ITV had been showing for weeks beofrehand and wanted to watch for Suranne Jones , as I usually like her in productions, but what I noticed was George Costigan in the advert, and that was an even better draw to the show. It appeared from the adverts that it was a mystery drama, which it did indeed appear to be in the first episode, and one scene appeared to set-up Stockard Channing's character as smuggling drugs, as she appeared to get a consignment on a quayside, this didn't really go anywhere, other than the main characters mother stole her stash so she could O.D.
Lots of plot points brought up that went nowhere, lots of filler that led to nothing, unlikeable characters, misandry, the cucked husband who is written to be a fool in some scens, and for the rest of the time is shouted 'at for not being there and letting the wife and doing anything for the family', who in one breath, is told by the same character,, his wife, that she is part of the family, becuase he is in control of everything. Right, so could she make up her mind whether she is charge and has to do everything or the husband is charge and won't let her do anything.
Some nice location work, standing in for the Isle Of Man, and a good cast.
George Costigan and Andrew Knott (who did a great job as Suranne Jones' husband) stood out from the rest of the family. Dean Lennox Kelly had an ok role as the friendly taxi driver and Eve Best was the best of the two sisters.
Not a show I would want to go back to.