The program is very good and the craftspeople do some amazing work to keep rubbish out of landfill.
I have watched 3 programs this week commencing 4/11/19 and have noticed the lack of safety with regard to respirator protection, in the Friday episode the 3 craftsman based in Crystal Palace, one of the men was cleaning down a sideboard top and wore a dust mask, unfortunately due to the amount of facial hair this was not protecting him whatsoever. The women was wearing a 3M type mask that was the correct protection from the view I had again the problem being the other persons in the room were not protected.
I work in the chemical industry and we have to have mask face fit sessions each year, we do not allow staff with facial hair to carry out the test, they have to wear a positive pressure hood with the correct filters fitted.
I am sure you have advisers for your shows and this should be brought to their attention. We only get one pair of lungs.
Best Intentions
Paul Carolan