I really enjoyed the series. It feels like an oddly nostalgic 90s fever dream, unsettling but cozy. It does authentically feel like you’re watching a VHS tape of some random cartoons you thought you dreamt of and didn’t actually exist, and commercial segments you recorded on a sold as blank tape when you were a kid. The aesthetics and soundtrack are all there and I really appreciate the visuals, being a child of the 90s. They really did nail it there. My only criticism would be the humour is lacking and I could see why this would only really be enjoyed as a niche thing and not appeal to everyone. It’s very all over the place and bizarre. That’s something I personally like though and adds to the fever dream aspect. For me it’s more of an eye candy thing in the same way I love vaporwave aesthetics, watching compilations of 80s/90s commercials, dead mall videos, etc. If you enjoy stuff like that, give it a try. If you’re hoping to get invested in a funny adult cartoon like Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, etc you may want to give it a miss.
I think if you go into it expecting a really witty comedy like above, you will be disappointed. If you go into it knowing it caters best to those who enjoy retro looking eye candy, you’ll really enjoy. I can imagine this would be great to watch when high.