I have been playing rust on the Xbox since it came out and today the day horses come out I hope on with myself and 2 others we have had horrible starts wipe day almost all the time and today the day of and anticipated update we do awesome I’m taking like 1 or 2 deaths we are so happy. I just got back from destroying our neighbor and am happy to bank the loot and as I walk through the door a tommy shot goes off at out base, that’s odd no one in our area has that weapon 3 hours into our wipe, Beep… Beep…. Beep… I yell we’re getting raided. in our stone 2by2 I’m the only one there try to upgrade wall but they shot it with the first tommy shot bam everything gone I try for a couple minutes but they hit TC wall and destroy it I say I’m getting off knowing damn well I will be upgrading base the moment we’re able to. We had best start on force wipe with new update just to get raided by some random group that said let’s 2 c4 some 2by 2 and see what happens I hate this game. Let’s just say they made a lot of profit and I am now debating deleting the game