I don't think I was the intended audience for this book. I'm sure this will have value for Spider Man fans and some Wanda fans and having Wanda one of the most well known Romani characters be written by and author of Romani decent is amazing. There is a genuine effort to respect the characters heritage which is amazing to see especially after the Whitewashing and racism from the MCU movies. Hope we get more similar opportunities in the past. However it's a very American imperialistic story, reads like a fanfiction of someone who wants Spiderman to have a sister, throws other Romani characters especially Pietro under the bus and really tears up Wanda's lore and her most important relationship. If you are a fan of comic Wanda, Pietro and the twins relationship I don't recommend picking up this book. However I can see the hypothetical appeal for YA fans and movie Scarlet Witch fans so if they want to pick the book up and draw their own conclusions they shouldn't let my little review stop them!