Malayalam movie Malaikottai Vaaliban directed by LJP (Lijo Jose Pellissery) starring Mohanlal, Marathi actress sonalee Kulkarni, Bengali actress Katha nandi, Hareesh Peradi and many other actors.
This movie is a typical LJP style movie and not a mass movie. It's a fantasy movie shown in LJP style hence not sure if it would get connected to all.
Standout of this movie is the visuals ...Wow what a cinematography, camera placements , long shots and some frames are just mind blowing.
Madhu neelakhandan as cinematographer will surely win some awards for his work in this movie.
Another important and best part was the music and BGM Prashant Pillai just amazing work on music. Actually the BGM and sound effects made the movie watchable and get connected to the story.
Its a story about a warrior who proves to be a hero by defending every opponents he meets while travelling to different villages in his bullock cart.
In this journey he meets many people which leads to fight which further leads to making enemies and then there is revenge, cheating, sacrifices ,love and hatered that happens.
Mohanlal has done full justice to the role of Vaaliban, his action sequence, dailogue delivery and all was really good.
The other actors especially people who are non mallus there was some serious problems in their dailogue delivery.
Hareesh Peradi, Danish Sait ,Manoj Moses played very important role in the movie and gave their best performances
Typical LJP movie where you have long shots ,slow dailogues , and even slow action makes the movie very lengthy.
Sometimes you will feel it's dragged a lot and will make you bored.
You feel you are watching a stage drama where there is dailogues, dance ,music,drama, emotions and action.
If you go and watch this movie as mass entertainer then you will be disappointed. Not many people like and enjoy such slow paced movie you really need some patience to watch it
Vibrant colours, good visuals , action choreography ,a mind blowing music and bgm is the overall strength of the movie.
Kudos to LJP for taking risks and courage to make big canvas movie like this where he had to manage so many artists, giving attention to every detail and create a visual treat for audiences.
I think in malayalam cinema only he can do it and only he can have such vision.
I appreciate the effort he has taken. Creativity at its best and none of his movies from past are repeated everytime he comes up with something new and stylish.
This movie will be discussed a lot especially for his making and technical brilliance .
I would say it's a average movie one time watch but must watch in theaters because in theaters you can enjoy the visuals, sound and all .
You won't enjoy this in small screens for sure.
The makers have smartly ended the movie giving hopes about part 2 of this movie . Will have to wait and watch for that.
A master piece movie but slow and lengthy. Not everyone's cup of tea
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