I have watched this show for DECADES and always enjoyed watching Alex Trebek (RIP, Sir. You will be sorely missed) because he never stooped to the low side of human nature.
But now I learn that the Leftist and RABIDLY Anti-Conservative/Republican hack, Katie Couric, might be a replacement host.
After her rant about having Pro-Trump supporters "reprogrammed" smacks of 1940 era Nazi Extremists, for God's SAKE!
If a Republican/Conservative person would have suggested such a thing aimed at Democrats orr Liberals, they'd have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail!!
So as much as I have come to, shall I say, "LOVE" the Jeopardy show, I am sad to say I will boycott the show AND the channel network that supports the show until Couric is shed from the position (assuming she is hired after all).
Other big named personalities have been made to suffer for their inconsiderate actions and/or words and have, at least, been FIRED from their front-line position or at least tossed out of their high profile position.
Dan Rather was but one individual if it makes any difference for discussion.
To that end I implore of those that make such decisions to reconsider hiring Couric for the job.
She insults a HUGE SEGMENT of the American people and we are tired of not seeing what should be done made RIGHT in this as a showing of what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander and even handled actions towards a Glory Hound like Couric
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
AKA Huggy