This movie does not fit into the horror movie genre, its thriller at best.
I couldn't find a single moment in this film that made me jump or scream, and I’m very easily scared. It was definitely a let down. When you see reviews of this movie everyone says, “the best horror movie of the year,” or “A24s best indie movie to date,” I just cannot seem to agree. There may be one scene in this film that’s even semi-scary, that’s it. The main actress, Sophie Wilde, is amazing and you can definitely see that in the film. I just wish that they had made this film scarier with more scream worthy moments so we could see more of what she can do! Don’t get me wrong, the movie is good! It was just a let down compared to what everyone was saying. This movie will make you mad more than it will scare you.
Definitely worth a watch, but it’s not all that and a bag of chips.