Sukhee is a refreshing and delightful comedy-drama that explores the journey of a woman who rediscovers herself after attending her school reunion. Shilpa Shetty delivers a brilliant performance as Sukhee, a Punjabi housewife who is bored of her mundane life and decides to relive her teenage years in Delhi. She meets her old friends, tries new things, and faces some unexpected challenges along the way. The film is full of humor, emotion, and inspiration, and showcases the importance of self-love and happiness.
The film also features a talented supporting cast, including Amit Sadh, Kusha Kapila, Dilnaz Irani, and Pavleen Gujral, who add to the charm and fun of the story. The little girl who plays Sukhee's daughter, Maahi Jain, is adorable and steals the show with her innocence and wit.
Sukhee is a rare gem in Bollywood that offers a sensible and meaningful story with a strong female protagonist. It is a thousand times better than the mindless and repetitive action films like Jawaan, Tiger 3, and Pathaan that dominate the industry. Sukhee is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good comedy-drama with a heartwarming message. I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars.