What the hell is this really? The idea is cute, but let’s be honest the hype didn't live up the expectation. The 2004 version was absolutely fine as it is, and will forever be Iconic. The 2024 film didn't need to happen. The new Regina George was like a mouse she has 0 attitude, no where near as MEAN as the original. There was nothing mean about this film, it was boring and a waste of time. It’s weird they used some of the original script using some of the iconic lines 20 years have past, there was a chance to create new iconic moments like this what the hell. Why does it feel like 0 iconic rememberable movies are made any more, it’s like people are incapable of being creative and always trying to use past movies or music to create the entertainment of today. Don’t bother wasting your time watching the new mean girls movie, it’s nowhere near good enough as the original.