Cool concept but fell a little bit short with some poorly made encounters the first big encounter with the bow guy you can't hit till you kill the super sponge grunt that takes like 20 hits even though you could easily die in 2 , I think honestly most of the issue the game has is the amount of damage enemies deal if you get hit once the fight is pretty much over unless the ai DECIDES to let you heal because it's literally not possible unless the ai decide to give you room , it's so almost good the art is cool and I thought it'd be a fun hard game at first then I realised it's not hard it's just wonky and kinda poorly made unfortunately
I realised the game wasn't gonna get better when the first boss has a small grunt with no armor that takes like 15 hits , and in that tiny arena the boss does aoe attacks you have to dodge but you can't dodge more than 1 in a row so if he just decides to do another too bad and you'll lose 75% of your health
That being said I enjoy a challenge but I hate when every enemy has so much health every grunt is pretty much a mini boss