Well first of to all those critic's out there who are calling the movie long and dark. Please roll your opinion into a big ball and shove it into your A**.
Lets be honest if you are excepting a Marvel movie you are going to be disappointed. This is DC, there are no Jokes (Even Joker is serious :D) there are no bright colors (dont get me wrong, I like what marvel is done with there MCU as well). You would realize this if you have grown up watching the DC cartoons or even if you have watched "Watchman" or Joker...
The 4 hours doesn't feel long, each character development is done right, Cyborg is not just a machine now, Running fast is not the only thing Flash does. Even bring Superman back to life is done right.
I will recommend this movie to everyone who wants a change from the MCU.
PS: For the DCU fans i dont need to say anything. You know.