The story is nice but it’s short and sweet. An easy to pick up game if you ever played the Naruto Ninja Storm series. Now the problem of the game? They decided it would be smart to make RENGOKU A GOD IN PVP. Not only is he the easiet character to learn, but he also deals the most dmg out of every character in the game. His bnb combo literally is a 50% or more combo meaning that if you mess up once in a match against a rengoku he can kill you in two combos. Not to mention some characters like shinobu deal no dmg but take alot more than everyone else. You can do cheap stuff like toss out an assist and walk up to your opponent and grab him. Also online is super laggy. So when 90% of the player base mains Rengoku and you’re lagging? Death. Also there is two forms of tanjiro and you can see a huge difference in dmg output between them. If they were going to make this like storm, they should’ve toned the damage down for characters like Rengoku and they definitely shouldn’t have made Raw ults do 70% dmg. The game just feels like way worse than even the early storm games and this game will be ruined until they nerf rengokus damage output, nerf ult damage,nerf the surge so that zenitsu players can’t infinitely spam you to death…you get the point. It has way to many mistakes for such a copy and paste game.